Garrett Saleen is a writer and visual artist from Southern California. His fiction has appeared multiple times in the Santa Monica Review, as well in Funicular, The Collagist, and elsewhere. His collage art has appeared in venues and ventures in Washington and California. He is editing his first collection of short fiction, entitled Yuppie Nightmare Cycle.
This data was produced by three Wemo smart plugs connected to light bulbs, which were named "bookshelf-artwork," "plants," and "porch." To access the Wemo smart plugs data, the user had to setup an If This Then That (IFTTT) applet that recorded the bulbs' light states to a Google spreadsheet every time the switches were turned on or off.
For this story, we invited the writer to highlight the ways data move and travel, particularly to, from and within a home. Whenever data move about, settle in an archive or rest in a database, adventures await and involve human lives and world. We shared with the writer images from Data Centers to show the materiality of some of the infrastructure supporting smart devices' data.
Three WeMo Smart plugs were connected to lamps in this house. This graph shows when each lamp was turned on or off between May 19th to June 20th 2021. This data inspired this story.
This sheet shows timestamps for when the Bookshelf-Artwork WeMo Smart plug (connected to a light) was turned off between May 19th to June 20th 2021. This data inspired the writer for this story.